State Street Auto Service provides Ford Powerstroke diesel repair and service in Ann Arbor MI area. If you are searching for exceptional Ford light diesel truck service, you have come to the right place. We have developed a reputation as the leading diesel repair shop near Ann Arbor. Located 12 miles north of Ann Arbor in Whitmore Lake, MI 48189.
Top Issues With Ford 6.0 Powerstroke Engines
Automotive technology is always advancing. To keep up with the influx of new tools, diesel diagnostic equipment, and engines, our ASE certified technicians are continually educating themselves. You will receive honest, thorough, and skilled Ford Powerstroke truck service.
Communication is essential. Often, lack of communication is the root of all problems, which is why we continuously update our clients with the condition of their vehicle. If a repair is vital for you and your family’s safety, we will tell you. If a repair can wait, we will also let you know. We also always listen to our clients. When you say something doesn’t feel right with your diesel vehicle, we take it to heart.
When you think of State Street Auto Service, we hope the words, stress-free, trustworthy, and reliable come to mind. To make things convenient for our Ford light diesel truck service clients, we offer you a free shuttle ride.

Having State Street Auto Service work on your vehicle in NO way limits or restricts your Ford Powerstroke truck warranty. All that is important is that you service your vehicle. By law, having your vehicle serviced by the Ford dealer is not required.
Magnuson-Moss Act of 1975 - Federal Law Prohibits any auto dealer from implying or denying routine warranty service because scheduled routine maintenance was performed at an independent facility. Title 15 Chapter 50 sections 2301-2312 US Federal Code.
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Top Issues With Ford 6.0 Powerstroke Engines
Most Ford 6.0 Powerstroke problems result from poor maintenance, incorrect diagnostics, and unscrupulous shops who aren't experienced with the Powerstroke engine.
The main problem with Ford 6.0 Powerstroke is excessive heat. A completely stock engine can produce exhaust gas temperatures well in excess of 1000 degrees. Combine those high temperatures with high exhaust pressures created by the turbocharger and problems are going to happen.
If you are going to own a Ford Powerstroke you need to find a good Powerstroke repair shop who understands them and can help you avoid major problems.
State Street Auto Service cannot stress how important Ford Powerstroke maintenance is. Engine oil and fuel system maintenance is critical to avoiding Powerstroke engine problems and extending the engine's life.
Make sure you use a quality 15W40 diesel oil and change the oil and filter every 5,000 miles (regardless of what the owner's manual says). Synthetic oil is better and does help tremendously when cold starting. But any type of oil needs to be changed!
Use a high quality oil filter. Many Powerstroke experts strongly recommend only using Ford oil filters.
Clean engine oil is VERY important to the Powerstroke! It affects operation of the turbo-charger, the fuel injector system, and engine lubrication. Regular oil and oil filter changes will benefit more than you can imagine!
Regular Powerstroke coolant replacement is also very important. The high temperatures the engine generates causes rapid coolant breakdown. Not doing Powerstroke coolant flush can be the cause of many expensive Powerstroke problems.
Incorrect 6.0 Powerstroke Oil Filter
You may be damaging your 6.0 Powerstroke engine and not know it!
Using the incorrect oil filter will cause your engine oil to not be filtered! There are a number of aftermarket oil filters that are "close" in size. But the difference can mean the destruction of your Powerstroke engine.
Ford designed the Ford 6.0 Powerstroke oil filter housing to use a specific size and type of filter. There are many filter options available at the parts store and some of them could cause engine damage if not used properly. Let us help you understand the differences so you can avoid a costly engine failure!
6.0 Powerstroke Oil Leaks
One of the most common Powerstroke oil leaks is from the plastic oil filter cap housing. The solution is replacing the cap with either a new Ford part, or a better quality aftermarket cap made from aluminum. See our article on Powerstroke engine oil leak repair.
6.0 Powerstroke Fuel Filter change
Ford 6.0 Powerstroke fuel filter change should be done every 10,000 miles. More often if there is a chance of you getting poor quality diesel fuel.
Low fuel pressure from a plugged fuel filter is a major killer of injectors and result in Ford 6.0 Powerstroke injector replacement. All you need is one bad tank of fuel to cause expensive repairs. Do yourself a favor and change both 6.0 Powerstroke fuel filters every other oil change (10,000 miles). And buy fuel at high volume fuel stations with new fuel storage tanks, and filtering at the refill pump. If you have to buy fuel at questionable sources or refill from bulk tanks inquire about having us install an aftermarket accessory water separator and filter unit. It may be the best investment you make!
Head Gaskets
Ford 6.0 Powerstroke head gasket failure is a common problem. But don't jump to the conclusion that your Powerstroke head gaskets are bad. Many Powerstroke head gasket problems are mis-diagnosed!
Often the real problem is an unrelated coolant leak, a bad degas bottle cap (radiator overflow tank), plugged heater core, plugged Powerstroke oil cooler, or bad Powerstroke EGR cooler.
The real Ford 6.0 Powerstroke head gasket problem is weak cylinder head bolts that can't withstand high cylinder pressure. The cylinder head does not clamp down tight enough to prevent combustion gas leaks which quickly damages the head gaskets. Especially with heavy duty use or an aftermarket performance tuner which both cause high cylinder pressure.
The solution to 6.0 Powerstroke head gasket repair is resurface machining of cylinder heads, new head gaskets, and replace the cylinder head bolts with aftermarket ARP head studs. This a permanent fix for all but the most extreme performance Powerstroke engines.
Needless Head Gasket Replacement
There is no reason for Ford 6.0 Powerstroke head gasket replacement unless they are leaking.
Many Powerstrokes go hundreds of thousands miles without head gasket failure. Get a correct Ford 6.0 Powerstroke head gasket diagnosis at a knowledgeable Powerstroke repair shop before accepting this expensive Ford 6.0 Powerstroke head gasket cost! Once you get an correct diagnosis then you can get a Ford 6.0 Powerstroke head gasket estimate.
EGR Cooler
The most common problem is Ford 6.0 Powerstroke EGR cooler repair.
The EGR system (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) is simply a nightmare for Ford 6.0 Powerstroke owners. Sooner or later the EGR valve will become so completely plugged with exhaust soot that it can’t close. This condition causes severe Powerstroke drivability issues, poor fuel economy, and low power.
EGR valve failure often gets mis-diagnosed as bad injectors, faulty FICM (fuel injection control module), turbocharger failure, or a host of other outright guesses.
Problems Caused By EGR
Ford 6.0 Powerstroke Carbon Buildup
The most common symptom of Ford 6.0 Powerstroke intake manifold carbon buildup is a gradual drop in power.
The problem is caused by the EGR system injecting sooty exhaust gas into the intake manifold where it coats everything on it’s path into the cylinder. The EGR cooler, EGR valve, intake manifold, intake valves, and intake ports become restricted from the hardened soot.
The solution is Ford Powerstroke decarbon service. Also, using the correct oil will decrease exhaust soot.
Ford 6.0 Powerstroke EGR Cooler Leak
The extreme heat of exhaust gas eventually causes the EGR gas cooler to fail. The EGR cooler ruptures letting coolant into the exhaust or intake system.
This EGR cooler coolant leak is commonly misdiagnosed as leaking head gaskets when the coolant drains into the engine when the engine is shut off.
A large EGR cooler coolant leak can allow exhaust gas to enter the cooling system quickly resulting in blown head gaskets, radiator damage, radiator cap damage, coolant recovery tank, and water pump damage.
Ford 6.0 Powerstroke Coolant Breakdown
Over time the extreme heat generated by the EGR Cooler breaks down the engine coolant. The coolant thickens which clogs the oil cooler, EGR cooler, and other cooling system related parts and passages. This is a normal consequence of this engine and can be prevented by regular Powerstroke Coolant flush and replacement.
A common symptom of Powerstroke Coolant breakdown is engine overheating. Often it is mis-diagnosed as a radiator problem. The restricted coolant passages in the oil cooler raise the oil temperature causing quick engine overheating when the engine is worked hard such as towing or hauling heavy loads.
Ford 6.0 Powerstroke Coolant Sludge Solutions
To solve the problem the Powerstroke EGR Cooler, engine oil cooler, and the engine coolant should be replaced at the same time. And make sure the correct coolant is used!
The best solution to the Ford 6.0 Powerstroke EGR failure is to use larger aftermarket oil cooler and EGR cooler.
Often the EGR cooler is replaced when it fails, and then it shortly fails again. The true source of the problem is the oil cooler that is plugged with coolant sludge. The very high temperature of the coolant exiting the plugged oil cooler overheats the EGR cooler and causes it to fail.
Ford 6.0 Powerstroke Coolant Sludge problem With Heavy-duty Use
The lower you can keep the Ford 6.0 Powerstroke exhaust gas temperature (EGT) the better.
There are a number of solutions to lower Ford 6.0 Powerstroke EGT:
- High flow exhaust will lower EGT considerably.
- Larger, more efficient inter-cooler.
- Larger volume turbo that moves more air.
- Install a pyrometer to watch exhaust gas temperatures allowing the driver
- to decrease the throttle when EGT gets too high.
Ford 6.0 Powerstroke coolant filter
Adding a Ford 6.0 Powerstroke coolant filter to combat coolant contamination is strongly recommended for any Powerstroke (good idea for any turbo-diesel)!
Some shops recommend doing a Ford 6.0 Powerstroke EGR delete. We do not advise removing any emissions control device. The Ford 6.0 Powerstroke EGR system can be easily upgraded for not much more than a quality Ford 6.0 Powerstroke EGR delete cost. And you continue to do your part to keep our air cleaner!
Ford 6.0 Powerstroke Injector Problems
There are two common Ford 6.0 Powerstroke Injector Problems. Both are related to high mileage vehicles and result from normal wear. However, poor quality, contaminated fuel will greatly shorten the life of Ford 6.0 Powerstroke Injectors.
Beware of any shop that suggests replacing a whole set of injectors to solve a difficult to solve problem. Run away from them.
A good diesel repair shop will have equipment that will pin point nearly any injector issue.
Ford 6.0 Powerstroke Injector Problems
Normal Mechanical Injector Failure
The mechanical parts in the injector just wear out or break and cause a dead cylinder miss.
A Ford 6.0 Powerstroke dead injector problem can be diagnosed with basic scan tools. We can just replace the bad injector. There is no need to replace all the fuel injectors.
Ford 6.0 Powerstroke Injector Stiction
Unfortunately injector stiction usually happens sometime in the life of any diesel fuel injector. There is no way to prevent stiction, but there are ways to delay Ford 6.0 Powerstroke Injector Stiction problem repair.
Hard cold starting and engine miss when the engine is cold is a typical indicator of Powerstroke fuel injection stiction. When the Powerstroke engine temp reaches normal the truck will run normally with no performance problems.
Stiction is another injector problem common to old, high mileage Ford 6.0 Powerstroke trucks. Unfortunately stiction usually happens sometime in the life of any injector.
Ford 6.0 Powerstroke Injector Stiction Repair
The Ford 6.0 Powerstroke Injector uses engine oil under high pressure to fire the fuel injector. Dirty engine oil can cause increased injector wear and more stiction. Regular oil changes with good quality oil helps prevent stiction.
We have testing equipment that can pinpoint which injector is sticking. In most cases just replacing the sticking injectors will solve cold start issues.
Ford 6.0 Powerstroke Cold Start Problem
Cold start problems have many causes. Good Powerstroke starting problem diagnostic skills are needed to figure out if the cold start problem is bad Powerstroke injectors, weak battery, bad Powerstroke glow plugs, bad Powerstroke FICM that is causing Powerstroke hard cold start problem.
When replacing Powerstroke injectors there is absolutely no reason to replace the whole set if you have one bad injector. The only case that justifies a complete Powerstroke injector replacement cost is when an injector fails on a high mileage vehicle. All injectors are near their end of life and would justify the cost for replacing full set of Ford 6.0 Powerstroke injectors.
Fuel Injection Control Module (FICM) problem
Fuel Injection Control Module (FICM) problems are usually caused by low battery voltage. While a FICM can and will eventually wear out from age and use, problems are usually caused by weak, old batteries or charging system problems that quickly ruin the FICM.
A faulty FICM can cause hard starts, engine missing, poor engine performance, poor fuel mileage, and a variety of other problems.
Always replace batteries in pairs. Batteries are much cheaper than a new FICM...
6.0 Powerstroke Turbo Charger Problems
All too often the Powerstroke turbo charger gets blamed for poor performance when there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Misdiagnosed Powerstroke turbo charger repair is very common and contributes to incorrect bad reputation the Ford 6.0 Powerstroke receives.
The biggest problem with Ford 6.0 Powerstroke Turbo Charger is a lack of experienced Powerstroke 6.0 mechanics.
Common Turbo Charger Problems:
- Bearing wear (caused by not changing oil often enough).
- Soot buildup on the variable exhaust vanes (can be cleaned).
- Variable Vane Actuator (can be replaced separately from turbo charger).
Common mis-diagnosed Powerstroke turbo charger problems:
- Plugged exhaust back-pressure tube: The Powerstroke PCM (Powertrain Control Module) uses exhaust back-pressure sensor in back-pressure tube to control the turbo waste gate. Plugged exhaust back-pressure tube can cause erratic turbo charger performance.
- Intercooler pressure leak: caused by intercooler damage, intercooler boot leak, intercooler coupler leak, intercooler hose leak, or intercooler pipe damage. Most common Ford 6.0 Powerstroke Turbo Charger problem is a leaking intercooler boot.
- Sticking EGR valve: can trigger a turbo charger diagnostic error code.
None of these problems require a turbo charger replacement.
6.0 Powerstroke Turbo Charger Variable Vane Actuator
The 6.0 Powerstroke Turbo Charger Variable Vane Actuator moves the exhaust side variable veins. The two main problems are a failed actuator, or the variable veins in the exhaust side of the turbo have a soot buildup (coked) and need cleaning. Variable Vane Actuator function check is performed with a scan tool.